The Decision-Support Modeling with Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Determine the Career Path for Bachelor Informatics Students

Ezra Karuna Wijaya, Ford Lumban Gaol, Tokuro Matsuo


The pursuit of success in one's chosen profession is a universal aspiration that requires individuals to engage in competition, not just domestically but also internationally, particularly in today's era of globalization. The rapid advancement of technology presents both opportunities and challenges, necessitating proactive management to achieve professional success. In the field of Informatics Engineering, there is a wide range of professional pathways, each offering unique opportunities and requiring distinct skill sets. For university graduates, it is crucial to have a comprehensive understanding of the specific requirements and demands associated with various job paths to make informed decisions. This knowledge enables them to select a professional route that aligns with their individual aspirations and goals, thereby avoiding potential discontent in their chosen career. Lack of knowledge or awareness during the decision-making process can negatively impact productivity and overall performance. There is a growing demand among university graduates, especially at the undergraduate level, for career-related information. This has led to heightened competition among graduates in terms of skills, knowledge, and availability. To effectively navigate this competitive landscape and engage in meaningful competition with fellow graduates, individuals must possess a comprehensive understanding of their desired career trajectory. To address these challenges, the Decision Support Model (MPK) can be utilized, employing the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process methodology. This approach considers four primary criteria—Financial Compensation, Non-Financial Compensation, Soft Skills, and Hard Skills—each with several sub-criteria. These criteria are evaluated based on the perspectives of certified graduates of Informatics Engineering and industry specialists. The study successfully identified the primary criteria influencing career decisions, such as job conditions, incentives, and prospects. It also highlighted the most favorable career path, with the role of a Data Analyst being identified as particularly promising. This career path involves roles within the field of Informatics Engineering that focus on processing data according to specific requirements, highlighting the importance of understanding the evolving landscape of technology and its impact on professional opportunities.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-011

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Fuzzy AHP; Decision Support; Career Path.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-011


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