Fictional Proto-architecture as an Introduction to Biologic Design: Challenging the Concept of Morphogenesis of Neo-architectural Organism

Andreea Felciuc


The architecture is based on a dialectical search for new ways of matter representation. We deal with the form of contemporary architecture under two approaches: expression and content. The article examines how mathematical principles based on natural growth can be applied in architectural design to create a dynamic, not static, structure. The dynamic process of the cell and its growth provides the basic structure. The continuity of the domain is exemplified by the impact of the new forms on the society that has already begun to emerge from the obscurity. The paper argues that without a deeper and more receptive connection between geometry and performance from a bio-morphogenetic perspective of complex systems. The experimental design methods are applied both to generate and to evaluate an architecture of the futuristic lines. These methodological frameworks focus on cyclically restated themes in the field of parametrises, which are identified as endemic to architecture: the realization of buildings, of multifunctional volumes and customized per se through a gradual approach of the architectural properties and the exploitation of a "concept construction" integrated as a process, obtained through innovative modelling environments. And so, and the reconstruction of architecture as an organ of nature is demonstrated. The new vanguard of proto architecture describes difficulties and inconsistencies in the relationship between theories and structures, difficulties arising from the very idea of "virtually" itself. It becomes difficult to say that a drawing in cyberspace is an architectural form or just a graph of architectural theory; in the virtual space, there is no difference between the particular structure and the general principle. Therefore, the form is first designed, only after to be constructed. Naturally, it is impossible (theoretically or technically) for design and construction processes to take place simultaneously. Predictably, bio-morphosis leads to multiple forms of expression, defined and transmitted in geometric terms.


Doi: 10.28991/esj-2020-01248

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Self-referential Form; Phenotypic Plasticity; Reaction Norms; Resilience; Minimal Organism.


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