A Data Science Maturity Model Applied to Students' Modeling

L. Cavique, Paulo Pombinho, Luís Correia


Maturity models define a series of levels, each representing an increased complexity in information systems. Data Science appears in the Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) literature. This work applies the _IABE maturity model, which includes two additional levels: Data Engineering (DE) at the bottom and Business Experimentation (BE) at the top. This study uses the _IABE model for students' modeling in the ModEst project. For this purpose, the Public Administration organism is the Directorate-General for Statistics of Education and Science (DGEEC) of the Portuguese Education Ministry. DGEEC provided vast data on two million students per year in the Portuguese school system, from pre-scholar to doctoral programs. This work presents the comprehensible _IABE maturity model to extract new knowledge from the DGEEC dataset. The method applied is _IABE, where after the DE level, wh-questions are formulated and answered with the most appropriate techniques at each maturity level. This work's novelty is applying the maturity model _IABE to a unique dataset for the first time. Wh-questions are stated at the BI level using data summarization; at the BA level, predictive models are performed, and counterfactual approaches are presented at the BE level.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-08

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Maturity Model; Wh-question; Students' Modeling; Business Intelligence; Business Analytics; Causality.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-07-06-08


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