Analysis of the Heating of Steel Structures During Fire Load

Zoltán Major, László Bodnár, Dániel Balázs Merczel, János Szép, Éva Lublóy


During the preparation of our article, we present in detail the changes in the thermotechnical parameters of carbon steel and corrosion resistance during fire. After that, we present in detail the calculation of the heating of steel structures without fire protection. We feel this is important because it is not possible to provide stainless steel with fire protection for aesthetic reasons, and it is also not typical for thin-walled galvanized structures. We also present the calculation of structures with fire protection in detail and present the background for editing commonly used nomograms. Such a nomogram is also available in the literature, but it can be considered true with significant simplifications. During the practical planning, the applied fire protection regulations were highly standardized. Realizing that there is no design nomogram for these types of solutions, we created and published them in our article. The advantage of these is that the applicable design can also be found as the optimum of the designs considered to be potentially good. With this solution, we can save time during planning, and we can also get a more cost-effective solution for the fire protection cover. The advantage of the presented method is that, if required, the editing of the nomograms can be extended to other designs by knowing the material characteristics and the layer thickness. Another option of the presented method is that the solution can also be applied to special fire loads, and nomograms can be produced for them as well (e.g., hydrocarbon fires).


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-01

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Steel Structures; Carbon Seel; Corrosion Resistant; Fire Load; Design Nomograms.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-01


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Copyright (c) 2024 Zoltán Major, László Bodnár, Balázs Dániel Merczel, János Szép, Éva Eszter Lubloy