Mobile Device Forensics Framework: A Toolbox to Support and Enhance This Process

Bruno M. V. Bernardo, Henrique S. Mamede, João M. P. Barroso, Vítor M. P. D. dos Santos


Cybercrime is growing rapidly, and it is increasingly important to use advanced tools to combat it and support investigations. One of the battlefronts is the forensic investigation of mobile devices to analyze their misuse and recover information. Mobile devices present numerous challenges, including a rapidly changing environment, increasing diversity, and integration with the cloud/IoT. Therefore, it is essential to have a secure and reliable toolbox that allows an investigator to thwart, discover, and solve all problems related to mobile forensics while deciphering investigations, whether criminal, civil, corporate, or other. In this work, we propose an original and innovative instantiation of a structure in a forensic toolbox for mobile devices, corresponding to a set of different applications, methods, and best practice information aimed at improving and perfecting the investigative process of a digital investigator. To ensure scientific support for the construction of the toolbox, the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology was applied, which seeks to create new and unique artifacts, drawing on the strength and knowledge of science and context. The toolbox will help the forensic investigator overcome some of the challenges related to mobile devices, namely the lack of guidance, documentation, knowledge, and the ability to keep up with the fast-paced environment that characterizes the mobile industry and market.


Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-011

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Digital Archaeology; Digital Evidence; Digital Forensics; Mobile Device Forensics; Data Governance.


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DOI: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-03-011


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Copyright (c) 2024 Bruno Miguel Vital Bernardo, Henrique São Mamede, João Manuel Pereira Barroso, Vítor Manuel Pereira Duarte dos Santos